Critical Swim Speed Calculator

Learn more about performing the test here


* Required

Name Low (mins/100m) Mid (mins/100m) High (mins/100m)
Recovery Level1 (L1) - - -
Endurance Level 2 (L2) - - -
Ironman Tempo Level 3a (L3a) - - -
70.3 Tempo Level 3b (L3b) - - -
Threshold Level 4 (L4) - - -
VO2max Level 5 (L5) - - -
Anaerobic Capacity Level 6 (L6) - - -

Race Specific Intensities

Learn more about race specific intensities here

Finding Race Intensity 

Race intensities are estimates based on critical swim speed. Fractional utilization is individual, so we recommend you trial these intensities in training before race day. Try a longer session like 10 x 200 m (15 sec recovery) at the pace suggested here, and see if the intensity matches the correct RPE for 70.3.

Name Pace (mins/100m) RPE*
<5 hours - 7.5
5-6 hours - 6.5
6-8 hours - 6
*RPE is Rating of Perceived Exertion
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